What’s New in Exporting

“World Expo Dubai” Webinar

September 14, 2020, 10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. ET

This is a free webinar.

Learn how U.S. companies can promote their products and services at the World Expo in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022).

Expo 2020 Dubai is the first World Expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region and is the largest event ever held in the Arab world.

Millions of visitors from around the globe will visit this mega event. Participants include over 190 nations as well as businesses, multilateral organizations, and educational institutions. 

Join experts who will provide critical information for U.S. companies interested in taking advantage of Expo 2020 to develop their business in the region. John Rakolta Jr., the U.S. Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and the Commissioner General of the U.S. Pavilion​, will be giving special remarks.  

Register Now!

Why should U.S. exporters look to Africa for their next market opportunity


Africa is home to six of the fastest growing economies in the world with a rapidly growing middle class.  The continent holds great opportunities for U.S. innovative products and proven solutions. 
Join the U.S. Commercial Service for a four part Why Africa? webinar series to learn why U.S. exporters should look to Africa for their next market opportunity.

Register Here – September 9 – Angola / Democratic Republic of Congo
Register Here – September 22 – Nigeria / Senegal
Register Here – September 24 – Mozambique / South Africa 
Register Here – September 29 – Morocco / Egypt / Algeria / Tunisia
Participants must register. There is no fee for this series. Contact Aisha Jones@trade.gov.



請預先下載APP: www.webex.com 並先設立帳號,事先開啟測試,以便及時加入 。 Meeting ID and password – 請見公告海報。

日期 視訊講題
07/24/20 (F) 疫情下,美加台新創圈的現況
07/24/20 (F) 疫情下,中小企業逆轉勝之道 (一)
07/31/20 (F) 疫情下,創業的數位新思維
08/07/20 (F) 疫情下,全球財經和股市發展趨勢 (一)
08/07/20 (F) 疫情下,創投家在想什麼?
08/08/20 (S) 疫情下,金融科技資產管理的新思維
08/14/20 (F) 疫情下,中小企業逆轉勝之道 (二)
08/14/20 (F) 疫情下,對新冠肺炎的認識與防疫治療新知
08/15/20 (S) 疫情下,資金回台的稅務實戰分享
08/21/20 (F) 疫情下,中美貿易斷鏈後之新常態與布局
08/22/20 (S) 疫情下,資產傳承三部曲 (一)
08/22/20 (S) 疫情下,稅法的變化及稅務規畫
08/28/20 (F) 疫情下,中小企業逆轉勝之道 (三)
08/28/20 (F) 疫情下,公共服務新常態及創新科技
08/29/20 (S) 疫情下,資產傳承三部曲 (二)
09/04/20 (F) 疫情下,數位醫療之心常態
09/05/20 (S) 疫情下,企業價值行銷的新關鍵力
09/11/20 (F) 疫情下,中小企業逆轉勝之道 (四)
09/12/20 (S) 疫情下,資產傳承三部曲 (三)
09/18/20 (F) 疫情下,人工智慧在企業應用的新常態
09/19/20 (S) 疫情下,公司成立的保護與傳承
09/25/20 (F) 疫情下,消費生活新常態及創新科技
09/26/20 (S) 疫情下,如何利用移民法與連鎖加盟法成功經營連鎖加國籍品牌
09/27/20 (S) 疫情下,用完美的口罩妝,我今天要變美
10/02/20 (F) 疫情下,川普和拜登稅務政策的PK!
10/03/20 (S) 疫情下,數位服務及行銷科技在企業數位轉型的應用
10/03/20 (S) 疫情下,蜕變升級,品牌再造!
10/09/20 (F) 疫情下,全球財金與股市發展趨勢(三)
10/09/20 (F) 疫情下,對老年失智的認識與照護
10/16/20 (F) 疫情下,萬無一失的商業房地產併購和管理
10/17/20 (S) 疫情下,如何用他人的智慧產權讓企業轉型彎道超車
10/17/20 (S) 疫情下,預防眼睛老化及了解定期檢查的重要性
10/23/20 (F) 疫情下,銀行、商業新常態及創新科技
10/24/20 (S) 疫情下,海外台商對台灣未來新創、資本、與人才的新思維
10/30/20 (F) 疫情下,瞭解及掌握台北市投資環境及良機
10/31/20 (S) 疫情下,使用知識產權的攻擊與防守
11/06/20 (F) 疫情下,展望台灣未來的經濟挑戰和機會
11/06/20 (F) 疫情下,全球財經和股市發展趨勢(四)
11/07/20 (S) 疫情下,展望美加西岸各地房地產發展的差異與趨勢
11/07/20 (S) 疫情下,談創意,創新與創業的新思維
11/10/20 (T) 疫情下,如何維持身體健康
11/13/20 (F) 疫情下,動盪的世代、變異的病毒,你不可不知的COVID-19病毒
11/14/20 (S) 疫情下,北美台商未來商貿的新常態
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11/19/20 (T) 疫情下,簡介台北市進出口商業同業公會的展望與未來
11/20/20 (F) 疫情下,工業供應鏈新常態及創新科技
11/21/20 (S) 疫情下,暢談聰明健診
11/27/20 (F) 疫情下,台灣核心戰略產業投資機會暨X TechFund介紹
11/28/20 (S) 疫情下,介紹中國生產力中心的服務與數位轉型思考
11/29/20 (S) 疫情下,國際和兩岸經濟情勢
12/04/20 (F) 疫情下,全球財經和股市發展趨勢(五)
12/05/20 (S) 疫情下,暢談領導者的形象管理學
12/06/20 (S) 疫情下,談台灣的科技發展和投資機會
12/11/20 (F) 疫情下,企業如何轉型升級再創新局
12/12/20 (S) 疫情下,遠距智慧照護的新常態
12/13/20 (S) 疫情下,分享從幸福餐桌到職場CEO之路
12/18/20 (F) 疫情下,談台南市智慧城市與產業發展
12/19/20 (S) 疫情下,如何了解與參與創業投資基金
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01/05/21 (T) 疫情下,夢魘中請您一起關心三個T



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7 Steps to Help Business Transition from Brick and Mortar to a Profitable Online Store

Restrictions due to COVID-19 and the rise of e-commerce has forced many small business owners to close their brick and mortar stores and sell online.

If you know what it takes for an online store to be profitable, you can keep existing clients and attract new ones. In this article we will share with seven of the most important steps to help your clients transition from a physical store to a profitable online store.

Step #1: Select an e-commerce platform that fits the client’s needs and budget

Choosing an ecommerce platform is a long-term commitment for your client. According to Growcode, the most important factors to consider when choosing a platform include:

  • Mobile friendliness
  • Security features
  • Product management system
  • Order management system
  • Return management system
  • Multi-channel integration

The two main types of platforms are Saas-based eCommerce platforms, and open-source eCommerce platforms. Saas-based eCommerce platforms, such as ShopifyBigCommerce, and Squarespace, are popular among new ecommerce merchants as they can be setup in a few hours.

Open-source eCommerce platforms, such as  PrestaShopMagento, and WooCommerce, require development, and are a good option for business owners who are willing to invest more work upfront to customize their online stores. As your business grows, you can customize your online store at the same time.

According to Ecommerce Guide, there are additional hidden costs that need to be considered when deciding what’s the best fit for your client’s budget: the cost of the platform, development costs, maintenance fees and transaction fees, just to name a few.

Step #2: Decide whether QuickBooks Online or Desktop is a better fit

QuickBooks Desktop offers more financial reports, support for sales orders, and is a better inventory management solution. QuickBooks Online is cloud-based, integrates with hundreds of apps, and your clients will be able to login from anywhere and run their business on-the-go from any device.

If your clients value mobility, QuickBooks Online is a better choice. Intuit will perform all the updates automatically for QuickBooks Online users. If mobility is not a priority (or your clients don’t have a reliable internet connection), then QuickBooks Desktop is a better fit. QuickBooks Desktop version is considered more secure because there is no direct access to the internet.

Step #3: Mark Up Pricing to Cover Shipping and Merchant Fees For Each Selling Channel

Not only do ecommerce merchants have to pay a variety of fees, they need to pay different fees on different channels, such as processing fees, hosting fees, inventory fees, and listing fees. When pricing their products, your clients will need to mark up their product and shipping to include all of their costs.

Step #4: Match Product Names in Online Store and QuickBooks

A common reason that businesses struggle with bookkeeping is their products in QuickBooks and their website fail to match, making integration almost impossible. Your product SKU should match your QuickBooks item name, so inventory can properly sync between the two systems.

Step #5: Map Tax Codes Correctly

Sales tax is levied at different rates in different states , since some counties and cities add tax. If a merchant is audited and if tax is incorrect, then the seller could be heavy fines. By integrating with tools such as Avalara, your clients can automate tax compliance and avoid getting audited.

Step #6: Set up Deposit Matching

Payment processors charge processing fees that need to be reconciled when matching deposits to sales. If the deposits are unmatched, then the books cannot be reconciled and the business will pay taxes on merchant fees. To avoid paying taxes on expenses, your clients need an automated system to map fees to QuickBooks and match deposits.

Step #7: Integrate Online Store with QuickBooks to Track Inventory and Sales

Mismanaging online inventory can lead to overselling and refunds. When inventory is not up to date in QuickBooks, their COGS is incorrect. As a significant portion of capital is tied up inventory, it is essential that online business owners manage their inventories. By having a system that automatically syncs their online sales and inventory with QuickBooks, your clients can make informed decisions and run profitable businesses.  


With the right infrastructure for an online store in place, your clients can:

  • Ship products on time, receive good customer reviews, and increase seller ratings;
  • Track cash flow and make informed business decisions about staffing, marketing and partnerships;
  • Comply with taxes and keep their books up to date;
  • Use automation to save time and labor costs, and finally
  • Expand to multiple selling channels and increase profitability.

The more systems and automations your clients incorporate into their business workflow, the easier it will be to transition to the online selling space, stay up to date with bookkeeping, and generate new revenue streams.  


Dora Farkas, Ph.D., is Marketing Manager for Sync with Connex. Sync with Connex, founded in 2010, automatically sync sales, inventory, customers, sales tax, and fees from ecommerce platforms with QuickBooks Online and Desktop.  With over 30 integrations, and a 100% US-based support, Sync with Connex has helped thousands of small business owners automate data entry into QuickBooks, grow their online sales, and expand to multi-channel sales.

IRS updates annual Dirty Dozen tax schemes for 2020

The IRS on Thursday issued its “Dirty Dozen” tax scams for 2020, pointing out that it was placing special emphasis on aggressive and evolving schemes related to coronavirus tax relief, including economic impact payments (IR-2020-160).

“Tax scams tend to rise during tax season or during times of crisis, and scam artists are using pandemic to try stealing money and information from honest taxpayers,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said.

New to the 2020 list are “offer-in-compromise mills” and ransomware.

Here are the 2020 scams:

Phishing: This scam involves fake emails or websites aiming to steal personal information. The IRS emphasizes that it will never initiate contact with taxpayers using email about a tax bill, refund, or economic impact payment. The IRS warns taxpayers not to click on links claiming to be from the IRS and to be alert that emails and websites may be nothing more than scams to steal personal information.

The IRS Criminal Investigation division has seen a tremendous increase in phishing schemes using emails, letters, texts, and links. Taxpayers should be especially wary of keywords, such as “coronavirus,” “COVID-19,” and “Stimulus.”

Fake charities: This scam makes the list every year. Criminals frequently exploit natural disasters and other situations such as the current COVID-19 pandemic by setting up fake charities to steal from well-meaning people who want to help in times of need. Unfortunately, fake charities often increase during these times.

Fraudulent charity schemes usually start with unsolicited contact by telephone, text, social media, email, or in person. Bogus websites often use names similar to legitimate charities to trick people into sending money or providing personal financial information. Some even claim to be working on behalf of the IRS to help victims file casualty loss claims and get tax refunds.

The IRS explains that legitimate charities will provide their employer identification number (EIN), if requested, which can be used to verify their legitimacy. Taxpayers can protect themselves and find legitimate, qualified charities with the search tool on irs.gov.

Threatening impersonator phone calls: Although IRS impersonation scams come in many forms, a common one is bogus threatening phone calls from a criminal claiming to be with the IRS. The scammer attempts to instill fear and urgency in the potential victim. In fact, the IRS will never threaten a taxpayer or surprise him or her with a demand for immediate payment. 

Phone scams or “vishing” (voice phishing) pose a major threat. Scam phone calls, including those threatening arrest, deportation, or license revocation if the victim does not pay a bogus tax bill, are reported to occur year-round.

The IRS explains that it will never demand immediate payment, threaten, ask for financial information over the phone, or call about an unexpected refund or economic impact payment. The IRS urges taxpayers to contact the real IRS if they worry about having a tax problem.

Social media scams: Also new to the list, social media scams frequently use events like COVID-19 to try to trick people. Scammers use information people share on social media for a wide variety of scams, including to send emails impersonating a person’s family, friends, or co-workers.

Social media scams have also led to tax-related identity theft. The basic element of social media scams is convincing a potential victim that he or she is dealing with a person close to them that they trust via email, text, or social media messaging.

Economic impact payment or refund theft: Criminals this year also turned their attention to stealing economic impact payments. These schemes involve criminals’ filing false tax returns or supplying other bogus information to the IRS to divert refunds to wrong addresses or bank accounts.

In particular, the IRS recently warned nursing homes and other care facilities that economic impact payments generally belong to the recipients, not the organizations, because people and businesses may be taking advantage of vulnerable populations who received the payments. These payments do not count as a resource or as income for determining eligibility for Medicaid and other federal programs.

Senior fraud: Senior citizens and their caregivers need to be on alert for tax scams targeting older Americans.

Seniors are more likely to be targeted and victimized by scammers than any other segment of society. Seniors may be victims of financial abuse in many of their personal and professional relationships. Elder fraud seems to be substantially reduced when the service provider knows a trusted friend or family member takes an interest in the senior’s affairs.

Scams targeting non-English speakers: IRS impersonators and other scammers also target groups with limited English proficiency and are often threatening. Many of the scams also target those potentially receiving an economic impact payment and request personal or financial information from the taxpayer.

A common scam aimed at a non-English speaker involves the taxpayer’s receiving a telephone call from someone claiming to be with the IRS who threatens jail time, deportation, or revocation of a driver’s license. Recent immigrants are often the most vulnerable to these scams.

Unscrupulous return preparers: This is another recurring item on the list. The IRS emphasizes that selecting the right return preparer is important because preparers have taxpayers’ personal data. Although most tax professionals provide honest, high-quality service, dishonest preparers are around every filing season.

Taxpayers should avoid “ghost” preparers who expose their clients to potentially serious filing mistakes as well as possible tax fraud and risk of losing their refunds. With many tax professionals’ offices closed, the IRS warns taxpayers to be especially careful in selecting an honest tax preparer.

A ghost preparer does not sign the tax returns he or she prepares, but prints it and tells the taxpayer to sign and mail it to the IRS. For e-filed returns, the ghost preparer will prepare but not digitally sign as the paid preparer. Anyone who is paid to prepare or assists in preparing federal tax returns must have a preparer tax identification number (PTIN) and must sign and include the PTIN on returns.

Offer-in-compromise mills: New to the list this year is a warning about misleading tax debt resolution companies that exaggerate their ability to settle tax debts for “pennies on the dollar” through an offer in compromise (OIC). These offers require taxpayers to meet specific legal criteria to qualify. Unscrupulous companies try to enroll unqualified candidates to collect hefty fees from taxpayers who are already struggling with debt.

Fake payments with repayment demands: In this scam, criminals trick taxpayers into sending them their refund. The criminal steals or obtains a taxpayer’s personal data including their Social Security number or individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) and bank account information and then files a bogus tax return and has the refund deposited into the taxpayer’s checking or savings account. Once the money is in the taxpayer’s bank account, the criminal calls the taxpayer, posing as an IRS employee who tells the taxpayer that there has been an error and that the IRS needs the money returned immediately or penalties and interest will result. This scheme often involves the taxpayer’s being told to buy specific gift cards in the amount of the refund.

The IRS never demands payment of taxes using a specific method. Taxpayers also have the right to question the amount of tax the IRS says they owe. Taxpayers who receive an unexpected refund and a call demanding a refund repayment should reach out to their banking institution and to the IRS.

Payroll and HR scams: Tax professionals, employers, and taxpayers need to be on guard against phishing designed to steal Forms W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, and other tax information. The IRS calls these scams business email compromise (BEC) or business email spoofing (BES). Two of the most common types of these scams are a gift card scam and a direct deposit scam.

The gift card scam uses a compromised email account to send a request to purchase gift cards in various denominations. In the direct deposit scheme, the criminal may have access to the victim’s email account (also known as an email account compromise). The scammer may also impersonate the potential victim to have the organization change the employee’s direct deposit information to reroute their deposit to an account the scammer controls.

The IRS asks that the direct deposit and other BEC/BES variations be reported to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Centerhttps://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx. Form W-2 scams should be reported to phishing@irs.gov (Subject: W-2 Scam).

Ransomware: Also new to the list, ransomware takes advantage of human and technical weaknesses to infect a victim’s computer, network, or server. Malware, a form of invasive software that the user inadvertently downloads, tracks keystrokes and other computer activity. Once a computer or network is infected, ransomware looks for and locks critical or sensitive data with its own encryption. In some cases, entire computer networks can be shut down.

Victims often are unaware of the attack until they try to access their data, or they receive a ransom request in a pop-up window. The criminals usually use anonymous messaging platforms and demand payment in virtual currency such as bitcoin.

Intelligent Manufacturing in Europe Coffee Chat Series

The U.S. Commercial Service’s Global Advanced Manufacturing Team and Europe Team invite American exporters to join us for “virtual coffee chats” with our U.S. Embassy colleagues across Europe. These informal video discussions are through Microsoft Teams. Each session will cover the current status of the advanced manufacturing sector in the region and include a brief regional overview.

Register Here – July 30 – Germany / Austria / Belgium
Register Here – August 13 – Italy / Turkey
Register Here – August 27 – Sweden / Denmark / UK

Participants must register. There is no fee for this series. Contact Pam.Plagens@trade.gov or Anastasia.Xenias@trade.gov


北美洲台灣商會聯合總會謹訂於2018621日至24The Westin Galleria Houston Hotel召開第30屆年會暨第3次理監事聯席會議,敬請踴躍參加,期待您的出席。詳細內容(包含會後旅遊行程和報名表如附件,或參北美洲台灣商會聯合總會網站www.tccna.org報名截止日為2018331日。


Terry Hou (侯秀宜) 713-596-6848
Michelle Huang (黃詩喬) 713-596-6872
Ambrosia Chuang (莊雅玲) 713-596-6904
Bill Chen (陳啟輝) 713-596-6968
總會秘書處 Email: tccna30@gmail.com






日期 行程摘要 備註


上午 一、   團員報到

二、   僑務簡介、僑胞卡/海外信用保證基金說明及行程介紹

三、   歡迎午宴

下午 一、拜會我國經貿事務機關:安排拜會如經濟部工業局、智慧機械推動辦公室等,介紹我國當前技術現況及未來發展。










上午 商機媒合洽談會




中午 惜別午宴
下午 專題演講或企業參訪




全日 文化參訪~賦歸(含午晚餐,晚餐後賦歸)

